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Current Server time is 20:54:17 [EST/Eastern US]

aWolfPack AutoSurf Network Traffic
Now including some NON aWolf Sites!

aWolfSurf, Surf The Wolf, Te-World, TE-Splash, Fantasy Surf,
All American Surf & Traffic Dynamite Pro are Now independently owned Traffic Exchanges!

User Interface Site(s) Rcvd Sent Diff. Rcvd Sent Diff.
    ---------- Today ---------- -------- Yesterday --------
5TE World * 79182 Sent: 103 1271230 Rcvd: 1041
5Surf the Wolf * 12891 Rcvd: 37 1902389 Sent: 2199
5TeSplash * 14848 Rcvd: 100 1315137 Rcvd: 1178

aWolfPack Manual Network Traffic
Now including some NON aWolf Sites!

User Interface Site(s) Rcvd Sent Diff. Rcvd Sent Diff.
    ---------- Today ---------- -------- Yesterday --------
5TE World * 7215 Rcvd: 57 75 13 Rcvd: 62
5Surf the Wolf * 6430 Rcvd: 34 63 33 Rcvd: 30
5TeSplash * 5348 Rcvd: 5 26 105 Sent: 79
44Gardenia TE 10 Rcvd: 1 0 0 Sent: 0

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