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Benefits of aWolfPack Ten participation

aWolfPack-TEN can smooth out the "booms" and "busts" typical on a traffic exchange

Your exchange's heartbeat - its "life-blood" - is surfing in one form or another.  aWolfPack Ten can help you enhance the performance, appearance, and profitability of your traffic exchange.  Every exchange goes through 'boom' and 'bust' periods, both of which can slow down surfing:

  • Credit Boom: You run a token sale or a special offer to keep customers active and spending.  Several of your high-volume surfers snag some extra tokens and stop surfing.  AACK!  Now they have a token balance, the burn rate is slower, and the unique count declines!


    • aWolfPack Ten can provide incoming views from other traffic exchange to help 'burn down' those credits, and keep the purchase cycle active. 


    • aWolfPack Ten, when used for 'incoming views', also increases the "uniqueness" of your traffic, since your member sites will be surfed by people who are not members of your exchange.


  • Credit Bust: Many of your users are running out of tokens.  This in turn frustrates some of your surfers because they're surfing the same sites over and over... low average user token balances make your exchange look smaller than it actually is.


    • aWolfPack Ten provides, in amounts you control, a larger base of sites to present to your surfing customers.  You are providing visitors to other exchanges in this way, without having to make arrangements with these exchanges.


    • Those "outgoing" views also earned you what we call 'network tokens', so you can commandeer more incoming views when needed.  [i.e.: Build up a balance to use during the next 'boom']

These are the issues that aWolfPack Ten was designed to solve.  We are a 'visit exchange': we have a system where you can exchange visits within our network of traffic exchanges.  This means that our member sites can instantly appear to have a much wider membership base, and can help each other "even out" the 'boom' and 'bust' periods typical to a traffic exchange.

aWolfPack Ten is offering this exchange through an easy-to-use system:

  • You create one or more 'network pages' with a link to our distribution center. To your system, these are just regular links on your site that happen to point at aWolfPack Ten.  So, you can control outgoing views by the tools on your site you are already familiar with. 


    • Just like a regular traffic exchange, outgoing visits earn you tokens on our network.  They are stored and accounted for here, separate from your relationship with your customers.


    • When that page is viewed, we generate a frame containing our information, and 'open in a new window' link, and a 'report this site' link, and a tag-line for the site who's page is being shown.  This allows reporting to be recorded by us for compliance, and to get the report to the webmaster who can actually do something about the issue.  Your surfers would see a page similar to the following.

    • Note how this is superior to a standard "rotator":
      • There is a centralized reporting mechanism which captures the exact url that was shown, along with the reporter's IP address and DNS lookup
      • There is a 'pitch area' on the right edge, which promotes the exchange showing this page
      • You have the ability to control the colors of the bar & background to suit your site's style


    • You create or receive an extra script file from us which handles inbound traffic to your site.  That script is tied to your membership here, at aWolfPack Ten.  On our network, you can activate, pause, or control the maximum hourly visit rate to your taste.


      • Like any other traffic exchange, incoming visits cost you tokens on our network.  You can pause your network account at any time if you need to 'build up a balance'.  Alternatively, you can control the incoming rate by specifying a maximum number of inbound visits per hour or per day.


      • We have started contacting both individual webmasters and Traffic Exchange software developers to expand the kinds of exchanges we will be compatible with. 


      • We are more than willing to work with sites to build inbound interfaces for them.  Our goal is to support as many different traffic exchanges as possible.

aWolfPack-TEN also provides an integrated Blacklist/White list system

  • We have a unique Blacklist/White list system that identifies issues with known sites or pages on known sites.  This list can make your job as a webmaster easier:
  • From both the central reporting system, and from members-only forms, we will be recording various comments about sites, such as:

      Is the site a rotator or redirector

    • Does it contain popups/popunders (or do only certain pages contain them)
    • Is this site known for breaking frames
    • Does it have inappropriate content (racial/hatred/porn/hacking/warez, et cetera)
    • This will be offered to our members in a couple different ways:
      1. As a paginated display on-line, updated in real time
      2. As a downloaded csv file or as a sql script, updated daily
      3. As a remote-accessible query: this is a biggie:
        • We will provide you with either php, or java accessors
        • You can then submit a url and get a 'score' back, automatically
        • This helps you to avoid having to trip over sites that your fellow members have already dealt with

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This site is a member of the aWolfpack TEN Traffic Exchange Network
This site is powered by Xtream Global Scripts Software v2.1.6.2b